Monday, November 19, 2007

Jess wearing no bikini but jean

Jess is a very hot girl I spotted recently. She has a red hair and brown eyes. And I’m sure you can never forget her lips.

Jess also has a beautiful firm body. And if you looked at her body you will never find a trace of bra just like any other girls who loves to wear bra under the sun. Well, you know the white line at the back and two little triangles in front of girls’ chest.

Jess doesn’t have those marks. Maybe this is because she doesn’t seem like to wear bikini while on the beach. I just hope to meet her coincidently then. Or the other reason is maybe she doesn’t like to go to the beach and wearing bikini at all.

I don’t know about that but one day I saw her photo while she was wearing a jean; only a jean and nothing more than that. She let you to see her butt uncovered by any whale tail kind of shape. She didn’t wear anything down there unless her jean! Can you imagine that? And she also wore nothing for her upper beautiful body. Hot!

I bet you would dream of taking her out, wouldn’t you?

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